what we do

gtx charters is commited to sharing our passion of sailing with our love of galveston to give you an unforgettable experience

Whether you are a local or from abroad, GTX Charters will make sure that you finish your charter with a new perspective and appreciation of Galveston Island, and hopefully also of the art and science of sailing. We take our charters very seriously and have educated ourselves with accurate and curated information just for you.

“I wanted freedom, open air, and adventure. I found it on the sea.”

-Alaine Gerbault

What We Do

GTX Charters is here to give you an unparalleled Galveston adventure that few people have gotten a chance to experience! There is so much happening both historically and ecologically in Galveston Island and Galveston Bay that we would love to show you. Come join us and we will share our passion of this beautiful part of the Gulf Coast.

Environmental Awareness

Galveston Bay has such a thriving ecosystem and it is very important to be aware of how our impact may affect the local flora and fauna. GTX Charters aims to leave the smallest footprint possible while on our charters so that we can continue to enjoy the beautiful encounters we have every time we head out into the water.

  • It is a Spanish-built Furia 32 sloop rig sailboat, meaning she has one headsail in the front and one mainsail. She is affectionately named ‘Querida’ which translates to ‘my dear’ or ‘my love’ in Spanish.

  • Yes. There is a Coast Guard compliant marine head available.

  • Absolutely! You are welcome to bring any food or drink you would like. There is an ice-box that we will fill with ice which will be at your disposal if you do not have your own cooler. We will also provide bottled water for you and your party.

  • We can accomodate a total of 6 paying customers during the charter, children included.
